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Career in Embedded Systems

Many students are not aware of the lucrative opportunities available in the field of Embedded Systems. Most graduates go after the popular “IT” industry to seek a good career. I think there are 2 reasons for this1)lack of awareness 2) entry barrier. While studying most students may come across the name “Embedded Systems”. Apart from that they may not be aware of -”what is an embedded system”, how do they work, what knowledge and skills should be acquired to build a great career in the field of embedded systems, which companies are working in this field etc etc. If it is in the case of computer science – the industry is readily known – the lucrative IT industry. The leading companies are Microsoft,Google,Adobe (product based)...

Robot Assisted Surgery

Technology is revolutionizing the medical field with the creation of robotic devices and complex imaging. Though these developments have made operations much less invasive, robotic systems have their own disadvantages that prevent them from replacing surgeons. Minimally invasive surgery is a broad concept encompassing many common procedures that existed prior to the introduction of robots, such as laparoscopic cholecystectomy or gall bladder excisions. It refers to general procedures that avoid long cuts by entering the body through small (usually about 1cm) entry incisions, through which surgeons use long-handled instruments to operate on tissue within the body. Such operations are guided by viewing equipment (i.e. endoscope)...

Curiosity on Mars

NASA's Mars rover Curiosity has beamed back an incredible image of its surroundings, showing a spectacularly clear view of the enormous mountain that it will clamber up in the next few years. The photo — with one of the rover's wheels visible in the bottom left corner, the rover's shadow stretched out in front, and the huge Mount Sharp looming in the background — was released by NASA today (Aug. 6) in a news briefing from the agency's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. The image was sent back to Earth less than 24 hours after Curiosity (also known as the Mars Science Laboratory, or MSL) touched down on the Red Planet late Sunday night (Aug. 5 PDT; Aug. 6 EDT and GMT). The photo is a full-resolution image that was taken by one of the rover's Hazard Avoidance cameras,...

Embedded Systems Interview Questions

These are some of the common questions asked during interviews for the position of Embedded Software developer. There are plenty of other questions as well, I will keep on updating the list. EMBEDDED SYSTEMS INTERVIEW QUESTIONS 1.       What is an inline function? 2.       How are macros different from functions? 3.       In embedded systems perspective which is better to use. Macro or function? 4.       What is a volatile keyword? How it helps in the embedded perspective? 5.       How ISR is serviced? 6.       What is interrupt latency? 7.       What are the stages...

Pointers, Arrays, Unions, Structure in Embedded C

Using Pointers, Arrays, Structures and Unions in 8051 C Compilers Although both the Keil and Raisonance 8051 C compiler systems allow you to use pointers, arrays, structures and unions as in any PC-based C dialect, there are several important extensions allowing to generate more efficient code. Using Pointers And Arrays One of C's greatest strengths can also be its greatest weakness - the pointer. The use and, more appropriately, the abuse of this language feature is largely why C is condemned by some as dangerous! Pointers In Assembler For an assembler programmer the C pointer equates closely to indirect addressing. In the 8051 this is achieved by the following instructions MOV R0,#40     ; Put on-chip address...

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